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employee productivity

Design Must-Haves for Office Cafés

Michelle Romero, Workplace Studio Leader at SmithGroup outlines the essential elements for a favorite employee space: the café.

The Landlord’s Impact on Return to Office

Alexander Passler of Vallist shares his unique perspective on how landlords can leverage the lessons learned in Work From Home to return to the office.

The A, B, C’s of Working Outdoors 

SmithGroup’s Todd Kohli shares how access to nature, biophilic design and a change of scenery can positively impact workplace well-being. 

The Office Gets “Schooled”

Experts Marilyn Russell and Sydney Moeller discuss how best practices in education design is influencing today's office space. 

The Old Office is Dead. Long Live the Intentionally Human-Centered Office.

Jan Johnson and Kelly Colón share 6 key factors that will enable organizations to migrate from the past office-centric workplace to a human-centered workplace.

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