In honor of Garden on the Wall®’s 10 year anniversary, we present 10 facts you may not know. Ready to learn something new?

A Mossy Lifespan
1. Garden on the Wall® is the initiator of preserved garden, moss wall industry, and has been leading this scope since 2014, with over 1,750 successful installations nationwide. Read on to see the biophilic oases that the Work Design Editors liked most!

2. Garden on the Wall®’s preserved gardens and moss walls have an industry-leading lifespan of 10-12 years, which can be extended to 20+ years through their unique rejuvenation program. Thanks to their exceptional longevity, Garden on the Wall® offers the lowest total cost of ownership in preserved garden / moss wall market.

The Greater Garden System
3. Garden on the Wall® is the only preserved garden provider worldwide with a published Health Product Declaration for their entire garden system, disclosing ingredients up to 100 parts per million.

4. Garden on the Wall® is the only company in the industry with a Declare Label for their entire garden system, ensuring full transparency, and are listed in the Mindful Materials database.

5. Garden on the Wall®’s products are Red List Free, ensuring no harmful chemicals are present, and they comply with the California Department of Public Health’s VOC standards.

Investing in Sustainability

6. Garden on the Wall® is committed to sustainability and the circular economy, thanks to their innovative Re-leaf (Take Back) program and the use of 100% bio-based materials. This program aims to ensure their preserved gardens don’t end up in landfills, by recycling, repurposing, and rejuvenating old garden panels for new designs.
7. Garden on the Wall® has a turn-key approach, handling everything from initial design to final installation to ensure seamless integration and high-quality results with 7 year warranty.
Excellence and Education

8. Garden on the Wall® has been recognized with multiple industry awards, including three Best of Year Awards from Interior Design Magazine, eight Architizer A+ Awards, and Planet Positive Award by Metropolis Magazine.
9. Garden on the Wall® offers three comprehensive CEU (Continuing Education Unit) seminars for designers and architects, covering topics such as “Biophilic Design in Action”, “Restorative and Regenerative Design: Neuroaesthetics, Neuroarchitecture, Biomimcry and Biophilia Intersects at Preserved Gardens”, and “Unveiling the Vital Role of Material Health in Preserved Gardens and Moss Walls”.

Larger than Life Impact
10. Garden on the Wall® has installed two of the world’s largest preserved gardens at the BNA Nashville International Airport.

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