In Part Two, Melissa Fisher delves into the dynamic shifts within the modern workplace, urging decision-makers to prioritize employee well-being and foster inclusivity.
The office ends up being a place not just for work, but how you think about your life in essence, especially now that we have this dissolving boundaries between work and life.
Larissa believes that designing spaces and organizational structures with consideration for the 30 types of power at work can provide a guide for a vibrant and healthy work environment. Find out what designers and workplace strategists must consider to create environments that promote creativity, well-being, and productivity.
Larissa Conte says the pandemic has brought to light many tensions that previously went unnoticed, allowing organizations to consciously consider what is and is not working. By defining power as the capacity to move energy through systems, companies can evolve and create change across all levels.
Many companies are starting to move away from the traditional office set-up in favor of spaces that promote collaboration and socialization. Ryan explores why the key to creating new workspaces is to focus on the activities and experiences that the space needs to support, rather than simply trying to replicate what already exists.
Ryan Anderson believes that traditional office design is no longer suitable for the current workforce. With the rise of remote work and demand for flexibility, businesses need to rethink how they use their office spaces. Our focus must shift to what employees need to be successful, rather than just providing spaces for leaders to supervise work.
In part two of his conversation, Rex stresses the importance of why leadership needs to adapt to the changing business landscape by looking both inward and outward. Learn about the new skills managers must develop to be better equipped to handle the social and emotional needs of their teams.
Author and futurist, Rex Miller, explores how the pandemic disrupted the contract between employees and employers, causing people to reassess what they want from their work lives. Check out this conversation with Rex as he explains why and how companies need to help employees reacclimate and recondition themselves to these changes.